Another Yesterday

A Virtual Gallery Exhibition by Lotta Lemetti, 2021

Seven Sisters

A story that has been left untold.

Video piece made as a part of the project Seven Sisters.

Pisara, a droplet – short film, Summer 2019

A gentle reminder from a daughter to her mother, that she’s never alone.


Dive beneath the surface of photographs from kekta

natural fashion

a fashion story

Another Yesterday
Seven Sisters
Pisara, a droplet – short film, Summer 2019
natural fashion
Another Yesterday

A Virtual Gallery Exhibition by Lotta Lemetti, 2021

Seven Sisters

A story that has been left untold.

Video piece made as a part of the project Seven Sisters.

Pisara, a droplet – short film, Summer 2019

A gentle reminder from a daughter to her mother, that she’s never alone.


Dive beneath the surface of photographs from kekta

natural fashion

a fashion story

show thumbnails